Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In A Sentimental Mood

Sonnet 44
If the dull substance of my flesh were thought,
Injurious distance should not stop my way;
For then despite of space I would be brought,
From limits far remote, where thou dost stay.
No matter then although my foot did stand
Upon the farthest earth removed from thee;
For nimble thought can jump both sea and land
As soon as think the place where he would be.
But, ah, thought kills me that I am not thought,
To leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone,
But that, so much of earth and water wrought,
I must attend time's leisure with my moan,
Receiving nought by elements so slow,
But heavy tears, badges of either's woe.


One more thing: The bone in the film is a wishbone:
The wishbone, known in anatomy as the furcula, is a sternum bone found in birds which is shaped like the letter Y. It is used as an attachment point for the wing muscles. It is so named because of a tradition: Two people pull on each side of such a bone, and when it breaks, the one who gets the larger part is said to have a wish granted.

The mechanical sculpture in the film is by Arthur Ganson. Some of his stuff is really awe-inspiring. Check this Machine with Artichoke Petal #2

Of course, it may bring to mind other art machines (Rebecca Horn, but also manyothers), but what I really appreciate here is the simplicity. Modest art is something to be cherished. It also reminds me of some of the musical experiences by the Portuguese musician Nuno Rebelo:

Even the really simple ones are really something: Machine with Chinese Fan

Is it kitsch? I don't care.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Just so you don't think I'm ignoring you - check out some great projects by Marc Kremers:
  • As found, a site with images found on the net... Fantastic.
  • The wonderfuly anarchist Tex Server.
  • And some of Marc's animations can be found here.

Justin Bieber "Love Me" BRAND NEW SINGLE!

Justin Bieber Love Me

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The right and the rights

So how was it for YOU?

Not all of Robert Grigolov's work convinces me. Some of it seems like simple tricks pour épater les bourgeois. But isn't part of the fun about discovering the value something has for you when taking out of a context which isn't necessarily one you appreciate?

Why does the above installation have the title Dollar Bill? I don't know. I have some ideas, but I don't think I want to follow them. And, just as Daniel Pennac's 10 Inalienable Rights of the Reader, so any spectator has similar rights, among them, to decide arbitrarily where the work begins and ends for her.

This doesn't need to mean any sort of glorification of ignorance. However, it does accept it as part of the deal. After all, the spectator is no less free than the artist, is he?

This should be a very obvious question. Aesthetic relativism is something seemingly accepted. Yet the contemporary art world seems to specialize in "right" ways of looking at its creations.
Anything goes - yet there is still plenty of exciting space for dialogue. Tastes are indeed something we discuss and shape, aesthetic experience is a beautifuly shapeable thing. And yet one of the most difficult things is to stay within the play of common value-seeking and exploration of personal experience, and not move into the discourse of competence, the universe of authority, which might sustain a big chunk of what the contemporary art world is about, but is hardly enjoyable for those of us who like their artflesh stupendously raw and intimate.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pagina WEB!

es broma, lo arreglare mas tarde!

Si el dominio ya no es BLOGSPOT!




Nueva portada del single que está proximo a estrenarse "Love Me"


Justin Bieber On Stripped

Niñas buscando por internet encontre estos videos de Jusitn cantando So Sick y One time Versión EN VIVO! Suena hermoso!
Y otra info, ya vamos 125 inscritas!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Watch your back

Oh what jealousy of the physical difference! Of the outcasting cast out in flesh! Oh how simple the definitions then become. How meaningful in their ever-presence. What sort of a tragedy can there be when its shape is nothing? How do you give it shape? How do you translate it into something it is not?

All pictures are by Risk Hazekamp.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Art after commerce

Here's a recent work made by Julius Popp, a German artist:

And here's a commercial product present since 1989:

Classic questions:
How much of the value is the originality of the project?
How much is there left for the concept? The execution? The richness of the universe that is being created? The "art codes"?
The bluff?
Should one stop/diverge a project upon realizing one is following another's path too closely?
This latter question is quite recurrent among many of the artists I know. Some opt for stopping, while others simply don't let go of their toy. After all, they say, isn't it always mine in the first place? Unintentional plagiarism? So what? If you focus on what you are, on your own path, shouldn't it always lead to an original work? In the best of possible worlds?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Wild Things Are In Forts

Some of my favorites from the Wild Things' Forts contest by Booooom, where you can send in your picture of a fort....
Here's the explanation:

Where The Wild Things Are is filled with references to building a world out of things from your everyday life and that’s exactly what we want you to do!

We want you to create a fort! Use garbage bags, tree branches, tablecloths, prosthetic limbs, wood, gold, whatever you got!

Snap a photo, and email it to me, here.

Winner gets a “Wild Things” Edition XBOX plus a magnificent bus shelter-sized Where the Wild Things Are poster not available in stores!

Contest ends next Monday (October 12th), so get on it!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nuevo header!

Bueno, como no podia poner los videos al otro lado del header[imagen principal] tube que cambiarla ya que puse los videos (L) si les gusta bien, si no, tambien xd! no broma, creo que se lindo !

ustedes que opinan?

Friday, October 9, 2009

One less lonely girl-Video Official!

One Less Lonely Girl - World Premiere

Justin Bieber One Less Lonely Girl

One less lonely girl!

Chicas, y niñas del fanclub, veo como cada día comentan más y eso nos da animo para seguir con el fanclub! La primera reunion será este mes así que atentas.
Les traigo una exelente noticia!
Justin Bieber ya lanzo su nuevo single "One less lonely girl!" y por casualidades de la vida encontre su video[más bien lo ley en su twitter] asi que les dejo el link para que lo vean , lloren y griten! Yo por mi parte lo ame!

Aqui tambien les aprovecho de dejar un wallpaper que hice en mi tiempo de ocio.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Primera Reunion!

Ya somos mas de 50 inscritas!
SI, somos mas de 50 y a petición de muchas estamos organizando la primera reunion !!
Wiii, la primeraa sisi xd! [perdonenme, es que tambien me emociono.]

Por causas OBVIAS, no todas podremos asistir, ya que la mayoria son de santigo, la primera junta se realizará en

Pero tenemos una pregunta para todas!
Por peticion d enuestra presidenta Fran, esta semana no puede ser, si no que la siguiente.

Nescesitamos que nos den el día en que estan disponible, por que no es la idea de que vallan solo 5 :)
Mandanos un mail de respuesta diciendonos el día en que quieren q se realice la primera reunion como fansclub!

Acuerdense de las misiones!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


si les llegaste hasta aquí a traves de un email es por que ya eres parte del fanclub

Segundo, Estas son las paginas oficiales de nuestro Fanclub y de Justin.

Justin Bieber:

Justin Bieber Chile:



Tenemos que conseguir la oficialidad del fans club para poder acceder a

beneficios si es que somos oficiales por Justin y por el sello.

Así que le enviaremos una carta a Justin através de su myspace, le escribiremos que tiene un fans club en Chile y que hay arta gente inscrita (por eso tienen que mandar la carta, para que se dé cuenta), así podremos ser oficial (por parte de él por lo menos, después tenemos que ver como conseguirlo con el sello aqui en chile, ya que su cd aún no sale a la venta.) así que estas son las misiones para la oficialidad y para que suene en las radios:

Oficialidad: Tiene que mandarle este mensaje a Justin via, twitter, facebook, o youtube, pero muchas veces, para que asi lo lea:

Dear Justin: We are writing to you from Chile to inform you that there is a fans club dedicated to you here, and there are many people registered, so we would like you to authorize us to make it official and thus promoting yourself and make you more known, to have you soon in our country. And that people recognize your great talent here.

We really hope you to make us official.

We love you !

CUARTO: Tenemos que hacer más famoso a Nuestro Justin! por lo que:

Pide ONE TIME en:



40 Principales (Rayos y Centellas):


Radio Disney:


MTV (10 + pedidos) :

Otro: Justin Bieber – One Time



Quinto: Go Video Go!

Una de nuestras presidentas, Fran , ha echo un video y lo ha subido a youtube. Tenemos que lograr que más gente lo vea y se inscriba!




Para que Justin se de cuenta que EXISTIMOS decidimos crear un video, SI, un video de todas nosotras!

Para ser parte del video ONE TIME deben enviar 30 segundos del trozo que ustedes quieran de la canción. Ojalá en buena calidad.

Puedes mostrar algun escrito [cuaderno, block, pizarra] que contenga minimo la palabra One time o Justin Bieber!

Mandanos el video vía mail, y si no, súbelo a tu facebook y etiquetanos o más facil aún, a youtube y nos dejas el link :).



Aquí les dejo el link d ela credencial que hasa el momento es la oficial.



Muchas gracias por ser parte de este nuevo FanClub.

One love, One heart, One Time!


Nuevas Fotos!

Se ha captado al señorito Justin Bieber grabando escenas para su nuevo video clip "Lovely Girl", aquí les dejamos algunas imagenes, dirijanse al link de más abajo para ver más.

Para ver más fotos has click AQUÍ


Siii chicas, como ya saben estamos próximas a las 50 inscritas! eso es asombroso, y pensar que hace poco mas de dos semana Justin salió en los VMA de Mtv presentando a Taylor Swift y ya es todo un éxito!, es que su carita de niño bueno nos ha conquistado a muchas.
Pasando al tema de este posteo, como lo leen, justin ya tiene un poster gigante en BOP! la revista norteamericana! Seguro que muchas de ustedes la quieren cierto? Quien no querría a un Justin Tamaño real en la habitación?

Creditos: NickJOnline

The Expecting Creator Of Matter

Watch the edges; yet another birth, another coming-to, another attempt at elucidation, lucid, try lucidity, for a change, just watch the edges, and also, try to aim at the opaque, but where's the opaque in the translucid, and how, how does it

Elucidation: an act of explaining that serves to clear up and cast light on. The splendid, harsh ambiguity of words, the clustering of them, the annoying coming-to, they do not leave us they do not, they do not leave us, an act of explaining, take that, an act, ex-plain, serves, clear, clear up, cast, cast, cast, light. On.

And as it is happening, you watch it take shape, this thing, this event, this work, this thing-in-work-in-process, which is you in the stupidest of senses, you have been feeding it and yes, you were the, the ur-text, but what with it, the bone, the rib, the biblical Eve, so clearly not you, going elsewhere, as you watch

All works by Loris Cecchini.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Abiertas incripciones.
*Si quieren inscribirse dejen un comentario, o manden un correo a justinbieber.chile@live.cl con los siguientes datos. [si mandas tus datos ya eres parte del fansclub]

Número Teléfono:
Fotolog: [no importa si no es de Justin]

Tambien te puedes inscribir aquí y en


Aviso importante:
Cuando tengamos 5O o más inscritas realizaremos la primera junta.
Estamos Juntando TODOS los FansClubs de Chile para ser Solo uno.

JustinBieber CHILE.-
Ya esta funcionanado la pagina [Ambos links sirven]


Primer FanCLub de Justin Bieber en Chile
Descarguen su single ONE TIME.
que ya se está escuchando en la radio disney.


Primero que nada tenemos que conseguir la oficialidad del fans club para poder acceder a beneficios si es que somos oficiales por Justin y por el sello.

Así que le enviamos una carta a Justin a su myspace, le escribimos que tiene un fans club en Chile y que igual hay arta gente inscrita (por eso tienen que mandar la carta, para que se dé cuenta), que nos hiciera oficiales (por parte de él por lo menos, después tenemos que ver como conseguirlo con el sello xd) así que estas son las misiones para la oficialidad y para que suene en las radios:

Oficialidad: Tiene que mandarle este mensaje a Justin, a su twitter, facebook, o youtube, pero muchas veces para que lo lea:
Justin: We are writing to you from Chile to inform you that there is a fans club dedicated to you here, and there are many people registered, so we would like you to authorize us to make it official and thus promoting yourself and make you more known, to have you soon in our country. And that people recognize your great talent here.
We really hope you to make us official.
We love you!

40 Principales (Rayos y Centellas):
Radio Disney:

MTV (10 + pedidos) :

Otro: Justin Bieber – One Time



Pd: nescesitamos GOLD y BLENDS! quien este dispuesta[o] avisenos en un coment.


After a conversation with AB

Apparently, the National Railway Workers installed a handrail on Richard Serra’s sculpture in Duedingen, Switzerland. Why would anyone want the autonomy of the artist?
